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The Angels

Markal Zuriel & Valkan Zuriel

The Angels, also known as the Angelicon, are an ancient species from the era of the gods. Humanoid Mammalians by definition, although their holy bodies are considered above mortals.


Created in the era of the gods by Balance herself. The first of the god-kin, their task was to aid the gods with all they require, to be the binding force of Balance that advice the gods, help the gods, and help the mortals. Many angels are considered to be like minor gods themselves. Two of the angels are even given god-status, Vertum, and formerly Mutrev. Angels come in pairs of two- One light/blue, one dark/red.


Since angels are in pairs, they have the same family name. Angels are said to be the basis for angelic beings in other mythologies and religions across the multiverse.


One cannot shapeshift into an Angel, not even a god like Magmus- The angels, as a species, are linked to Balance's holy light, and only she has the power to create angels. Angels have a powered-up state, referred to as the "Holy Light." 


The first angels were the twins, Apollyon and Azazel. In the second era, Azazel shared the knowledge of magic with mortals, disobeying the gods. The gods cast down Azazel. Saved by his brother of destruction, Apollyon, the twins led a revolution among lesser angels, in an attempt to disobey the pantheons and raise the ability of mortals to fight gods.

Hieros Vazael & Veiros Vazael


Leonak Jravuil & Yumael Jravuil

However, the rebel angels were swiftly dealt with. A ray of hope was the Archivist, Gunian- who, in exchange for Azazel's knowledge, he would share the secret to break their divine connection, free them from gods. He would turn angels into demons, or if their magic willed, 'princes' called Devils.


Azazel made the deal with the keeper, but during the transformation, he was cast down by Dimensus, the titan of realms, corrupting the spell. Neither an angel, nor a demon, or a fabled devil as he intended- Azazel was shadow, and lived a half life. His soul scattered and disrupted, a flash of void, and the brother was gone from this mortal realm for eternity.


All that was left was Apollyon against gods, who cast him down into Helheim's endless pit. As he fell to his doom, he used the archivist's spell to become the first devil, rejecting his divinity. The devil rose, an angel of the abyss, archdevil supreme, Abaddon. In shadow and flame, he burnt the roots of Yggdrasil, and threatened to destroy all the realms. His unholy gamble worked, as all gods agreed to let mortals learn. But he would not forgive Dimensus, and used the power of 'Lucifer' to drive a burning root through Dimensus' heart, turning the titan into bone and dust. The titan's body became the new roots of Yggdrasil, and Order corrupted the archangel Mutrev Uriel to serve as the new god of realms.

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