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The Hydra Collective

The Collective consists of 12 separate Houses, each serving a different purpose. Each house is led by a "Bolt". Hydra itself is led by a "Silver", who picks a head bolt. Hydra is a large authoritarian surveillance state, and most of it's citizens have little to no rights. Hydra will take what it wants, no matter what.


The Hydra Flag: The black represents determination, the white represents purity, and the gray represents security. The 12 horizontal stripes, alternating in colour, symbolize the 12 houses of Hydra. The vertical black stripe to their left represents the power of all twelve houses when combined. In the symbol, the crescent moon symbolizes House Silver, the supreme leader of Hydra. The star represents the Bolts of the twelve houses. The four larger spokes represent the main backbones of Hydra, Houses Vanadium, Mercury, Titanium and Iron. The other spokes represent Houses Giranium, Gold, Platinum, Krypton, Neon, Carbon, Copper and Xenon. The symbol itself appears like an eye, to symbolize how Hydra is always watching. Thus, it is called the Eye of Hydra.


Founded 2 million years ago by the time traveling Crossbow Silver-47.

Hydra has full dominion over Universe 4 after a seven-year long war with the Crimson Empire.

The 12 Houses of Hydra are:
House Vanadium - Domination

House Mercury - Conquest

House Iron - Science

House Titanium - Oversight

House Xenon - Finances

House Krypton - Manufacturing

House Platinum - Internal Affairs

House Neon - External Affairs

House Copper - Exploration

House Carbon - Intelligence

House Gold - Religious?

House Giranium - ???



In its heyday, Timeron was considered to be one of the greatest worlds. Over two million years of Hydra rule, the nation has polluted the world from its once-lush state into a wasteland with domed cities. The most populated world in the nation. Before the recollective, it was the base of operations of the Temporal Empire for two decades since the planet has one of the few rare reserves of Tempium in its crust.


The capital world of the nation, it housed the base of operations called the Table before the launch of the spaceworld, Hydrogen-One.

Old Timeron



Skion is an icy world, but rich in life. It is a nature preserve as a zoo planet. On the Iron Islands however is the base of operations of House Iron- Skion Labs, the most advanced research laboratories in the Multiverse. Going deep into the bowels of the planet, full of dozens of facilities, it is the hub of all science in the nation.


Developed over the past two million years, one of it's main projects is the Vortex project- A group of super soldiers created by Hydra over the past two million years. The Vortexes are the most advanced and dangerous soldiers in the multiverse.



Aurial is a beautiful golden-pink planet. It is the homeworld of House Gold. It has a beautiful elven-unicorn architecture, with golden skyscrapers built like trees. The flora is gold-silver, the air cool and snowy.


Aurial has skyscrapers of gold, elven cities that are a perfect blend of sci-fi and high fantasy- Magic and science combined. Be that as it may, the beautiful planet is home only to the rich and powerful, at least in the cities that is. The Grand Temple of Light exists on this planet, a shining golden castle atop a mountain in the middle of the capital city.


Many of the high-class of Hydra live on Aurial, most of them at least. It is a peaceful planet, mainly due to the presence of the Golden Monks on every street, every corner, everywhere. The Monks are the peacekeepers, after all. They don't seem to walk, you cannot see their feet- They just glide along the floor. They display no emotions, and only speak when they have to. Their faces are covered in a pure gold mask, their robes adorned with threads of pure gold.


The Monks have powerful light magic that keeps everyone controlled, harnessing light itself- And the power that comes with it. Many people call this "Evil Light", as any Dark Magic would be less painful.

The Monks always travel in pairs of two. Many people describe uneasiness when looking at them, as even through the masks, they always seem like they can stare right into your soul and read your thoughts. They cannot, of course- But it's better to be safe than sorry.



One of the moons of the gas giant Arrus. A heavily forested world, Quicksilver is the homeworld of House Mercury. Lush gardens and tall canopies, it houses the Fortress Conquestorius. An out of the ways planet with a relatively smaller population compared to the rest of them, civilians live out their lives harvesting the natural resources of the planet.


Most of the planet is a forest, with lakes and streams dotting the landscapes with a few seas scattered across the land. The planet itself is red, but the bright turquoise flora makes it a jewel to behold.



Titanos is considered the secondary capital of Hydra, the homeworld of House Titanium. It is the most heavily populated world in the nation. Since Timeron was polluted beyond saving, most prefer to live here now. Titanos has a moon, Torrium, that has been almost completely mined through and stripped of resources. Titanos also houses the spaceport for the Laemos system much as Timeron does for the Hydrus system.


A deep gray world, a thick fog envelops the lower atmosphere of Titanos. Clear days are rare, and the many cities of the planet are always shrouded in haze.



Cuprum is the homeworld of House Copper. Much to its namesake, the planet is a ferrous world that is mostly composed of metals like iron and copper moreso than silicate. In ancient times, a watery world, almost all of the water has dried up in the modern day. An endless red desert with few underground lakes and oases. 


However, despite the harsh climate of the desert, there are many mining towns set up on the planet, along with the spacecraft factories set up by House Krypton that take advantage of the easily available materials. The planet is also the home base of the Copper exploration fleet.

Platina & Nosia

Platina & Nosia

The twin moons of the gas giant Tempos. Platina is the smaller one that is the homeworld of House Platinum, and Nosia is the larger one being the homeworld of House Neon. Tempos itself has gas mining operations, since it is relatively the most calm gas giant out of the three main ones.


The moons were the first experimentations of terraforming technology by Skion. Platina was the first planet ever terraformed in Hydra, and was a mild success. A world of middling nature and carefully cultivated gardens. Nosia however was a much more successful second try at terraforming, a carefully constructed residency world.



The homeworld of House Xenon, Achlys is the most alien world in Hydra territory by the most literal definition of the world. Unlike most planets, the flora and fauna of Achlys are fairly alien, with fungi-like forests, gigantic mushroom canopies full of horrifying creatures not unlike any found elsewhere. One of the famous examples of Achlys monstrosities are the Szyk, a colossal flying creature with feathered tentacles.


With poisonous yellow seas and toxic atmosphere gases, it is one of the hardest places to live. Despite that, a lot of the elite class form their rich settlements on this world, the natural defences of the planet protecting the banks from any would-be invaders.




Last but not the least of the main Hydra worlds is Vanadis, the homeworld of House Vanadium. The most earth-like out of all planets in the nation, it houses the military-industrial complex of House Vanadium. The third most populated world in Hydra, it houses the spaceport for the Strari system.


Due to its earth-like nature, Vanadis is the planet with the highest human population in Hydra, mostly refugees from the destruction of Universe 4's Earth.

Makal & Makai

Makal is a gas giant in Universe 4, one of its moons being the home planet of the Mazel race, Makai. A forested planet, its environment is protected by it's inhabitants.


Recently, the independent nation was taken over by Hydra during the 7-year war.



A colorful world, Tikius is one of the rare Class 8 worlds in U4. It didn't have sentient life, and was discovered a few decades ago by the NLSR. However, Hydra always claimed ownership of the world much like all other planets in U4. Eventually the Crimson Empire took control of Tikius, but it was conquered by Hydra at the end of the 7-year war.



On the far edges of U4, there exists only a small research colony of no more than two hundred people on the world. With subzero temperatures, the reason for its importance is the ruins of an ancient civilization buried deep under the snows, from the first era- The Alvcon ruins.


The planet is also home to dangerous wildlife, the most dangerous being the gigantic Leech Leviathans, also known as the Hirudinathan.



Hyron is the waste dumping ground of the Hydra Collective and Universe 4 as a whole. Millions of years of trash and worse have converted the planet into a polluted mess.


Even creatures evolved/mutated from the pollution have popped up. It is truly disgusting.

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