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The Elves

The Elves are a common race across the multiverse, almost as common as humans. Humanoid Mammalians, the elves descended from the ancient god-created race of the Alvcons, from the old realm of Alfhiem. Nowadays, a billion years later, the race has evolved (or devolved, as some might say) into three distinct races, all of them common. All elves share key characteristics, including longer ears and pastel colored skin, but the races have big differences.


The Lyosafi, aka the "Light Elves": The Light Elves are adept at magic- Both kinds of magic unlike what their name would suggest, but the species is more inclined to use light magic. They sport multicolored skin and long ears like other elven subspecies, but to distinguish themselves from the Wood Elves, most Lyosafi tattoo themselves with runes to show their magic prowess. Some mutations do occur in this race, with some individuals having thin tails, and some having horned heads.


The Dokasi, aka the "Dark Elves": The Dark Elves do not have magic affinity, but instead have hollow bones and large, feathered wings. They sport multicolored skin and long ears like other subspecies, and are easily distinguishable due to their large wings and smaller build.


The Wodari, aka the "Wood Elves": The Wood Elves are the youngest species descended from elven heritage, and were not present in the first era. They are also considered the most basic elven subspecies, with neither natural magic affinity nor wings. They do however have a connection to nature, and have a tougher build than other elves. They sport multicolored skin and long ears like other elves, and a generally larger and stronger build. Some mutations do occur in this race, with some individuals having woodland features such as antlers or fox-like features.


The elves are found in most universes and many planets, due to colonization and realm gates.



The Alvcon / Alvaki: The Alves were a godly race in the second era the modern elves are descended from. Sporting a similar look to modern elves, their humanoid bodies had much longer limbs in comparison to their torso, themselves nearing 7ft to 8ft in height. Sporting both magic affinity and large feathered wings, the race had an intense affinity to light magic. Their civilization was considered the highest and most divine of the mortals. A distinct feature of the alves that modern elves lack is a thin tail ending with a tuft of hair, not unlike lions.


While the race was created by many creation gods, they were made in the form of the god of knowledge, their patron god, Gunian.


Eventually wiped out from existence during the final years of the Omnicon crisis, by Omnicons and Gods alike, who had begun to fear all mortalkind. No Alf lives today naturally, the only ones in existence are immortal ones left over or revived from the second era. Sometimes "mutant" elves with both wings and magic affinity are born, but the lack of a tail proves that these are only false alves. In some extremely rare cases, modern elves sometimes have tails, but even still lack the tall proportions of the alves.

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