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The Crimson Empire

The Empire stretches across the void from the capital, Sombus. It is a constitutional monarchy, founded and led by King Sombra. The Empire is militaristic, but prefer peace. It is a growing and prosperous nation, said to be one of the greatest in the Void. And- it's economy is stunning, even through years of war and worse.


The Crimson Empire's flag - The red and black are the Crimson colors, being Crimson itself and Black. The black stands for the emptiness of space, and the red stands for the nation's blood and valor. Some assume however that the red represents the Blood God, Varkanus. The flag itself has a crimson banner over the blackness of space, with Sombus and its two moons represented on it. Within Sombus itself is the nation's symbol, the Tricristol. The Tricristol represents the 3 tenets of the nation- Honour, Beauty and Valor.


It consists of many species, most notably Zenicons, Elves, Legani, Dakaj, and so on. The citizens enjoy a very high standard of living, one of the greatest among the void.


It recently had a 7-year long war for Universe 4 with the Hydra Collective. It technically lost the war. Despite the long war which claimed millions of souls, the Empire continues to grow ever stronger.



Sombus is one of the greatest planets in the Multiverse. "Red as Honor". It has one of the greatest magic wells of most planets that exist. The capital of the Crimson Empire. The capital city is named Crimson City.


Once a barren wasteland with little life, the native Zenicons prayed to the gods for any life, any magic. They eventually turned to the God of Magic, Varkanus. Varkanus demands sacrifices, and such the species gave him one of the greatest sacrifices he's ever recieved- The purge of 90% of their species.


Their prayers were answered, and Sombus bloomed into a lush planet with a high magic well.


Sombus used to have two moons until recently, Crimson and Scarletia. After a spat with the God of Balanced Destruction, Magmus, the vengeful god destroyed Scarletia, turning it into an outer ring for the planet.



Aethys is considered the "Jewel of the Void", a beautiful planet. It is a zoo planet, and the most popular tourist spot due to it's extremely tropical landscape. It is the homeworld of the Aezoa.


Even staying on Aethys for one day would cost millions. The planet houses the ancient temple to Aethys, the chaotic god of souls the planet was named after.



Olympus is toxic, Olympus is dangerous, Olympus is volcanic, but Olympus has mines.


The planet's crust is full of rare and expensive materials constantly being mined despite the hostile ash storms, toxic gas and volcanic magma. The most important resource being mined is Stabilium. Olympus is the only known source for natural stabilium in the multiverse. Wars have been fought over the planet, currently controlled by the Crimson Empire.


Dobuna & its moons

Dobuna is the largest gas giant colonized in the void. It is named after the Elder God of Chaos, Dobuna. It is in the same star system as Sombus.


It's five moons are a grand multicolored spectacle, Doniin in particular supporting life and forests all over it's surface.





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