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The Omnicon Republic

The Holy Omnicon Empire was a feared and destructive force in the void. But after its monarch, Draxal, was cast out, it reformed into what it is now, a republic. While still militaristic, it is not hostile to the other nations, instead focused on its own citizens. It tries not to appear hostile, but the rest of the void fears them yet.


Thankfully, when the Empire split, the Republic kept Icarius, their ancestral homeworld.


The Omnicon Flag is a tricolour of White, Yellow and Red. In the center is the Omnicon Trident in black. The white represents the purity of the species. The yellow represents divine justice, the entire point of the Omnicon's rebellion against unjust gods. The red represents the valor and strength of the race, as well as their bloody past. The trident faces towards the white, representing the nation's aim of striving towards purity and leaving their bloody roots behind.



Icarius is beautiful, a rare Class 10 planet. Homeworld of the Omnicons, created by Elder Mekalus himself. The planet was destroyed along with the race at the end of the Omnicon Crisis, but it was recently brought back due to temporal displacement. It is one of the few divine worlds created by the gods.

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