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Realms & Dimensions


There are many realms or dimensions, that exist on different planes of reality. Technically the same thing, they have been divided into the terms "Realms" and "Dimensions" by the gods befitting the purposes. The multiverse itself is one of these realms.


'The Realm Gate' is a room connecting all nine realms, named the Zessera. Reactivated and functioning, it connects the cosmos and is free for all to walk through- If they can make it there. In the center of the Zessera are the ruins of a statue of Mutrev, replacing one of Dimensus.


Originally in the second era, there were only the nine realms of Yggdrasil, but the former god of realms, Mutrev, had created many more- Including smaller pocket realms connected to bigger ones.


Here is a list of all these dimensions, starting with the original Nine Realms and their connected pocket dimensions and important locations:



Originally home to the Aesir pantheon of gods, it was destroyed at the end of the second era during the Omnicon Crisis, an event the Aesir called Ragnarök.


The Archive (Vanaheim)

Formerly a beautiful realm of meadows, home to the Vanir gods, it was corrupted into the tentacled Archive by Gunian the Archivist sometime after the death of the Vanir pantheon, during the early years of the third era post-crisis. Now a great realm of libraries and knowledge, but corrupted into a distorted form. Scholars are free to ask any knowledge of the Library, but in payment have to give up every darkest secret and knowledge of their own. The realm is now taken care of by the angelic Keepers.

The Infinite Library - The center of what used to be Vanaheim stands the gigantic so called "endless" library of Gunian, where he stores all the knowledge that ever was.


Alfheim (The Order Realm)

Formerly home to the Alvcon, the first Elves, it became home to the first Light Elves before the Omnicon Crisis. Leaving the elven realm in ruins, the Order Gods restored the realm into one just for themselves. A realm of tended gardens and architectural beauty.

Order's Hypersphere - The perfect four-dimensional ordered object in which the personification of Order is said to reside.

Temple of Creation - The temple devoted to the Elder God of Order, Mekalus.

Isle of Souls - A small pocket realm that exists above Alfheim, home to the Golden Souls and the chaos god, Aethys. Often considered an insult to the order gods that her home is connected to their perfect realm.


The Multiverse (Midgard)

At the center of it all is our Multiverse full of infinite universes and mortal races. For more information.

Jakuna's Court - A small pocket realm that exists in the center of the Prime Universe unseen. It is Jakuna's court of divine justice.


Svartalfheim - The Shadow Realm

Also known as the Distortion World, it is a realm of darkness and balance to Midgard. As infinite as the Multiverse itself, it acts as it's perfect yet distorted shadow. Originally a realm where many Dark Elves were banished by the Alvcon, it is apparent in the sheer amount of Acribuses and Shadowfolk that reside here. The realm is home to the distortion deity, Giratina.


Jotunheim (The Chaos Realm)

Formerly home to the Giants, they were all wiped out in the Omnicon Crisis. Leaving the giant's realm in ruins, the Chaos Gods restored the realm into one just for themselves. A realm of chaotic forests and life of all kind, where physics have no limitations and it can rain upside down.

Chaos' Tesseract - The perfect four-dimensional chaotic object in which the personification of Chaos is said to reside.

Temple of Destruction - The temple devoted to the Elder God of Chaos, Dobuna. A perfect mirror to the Temple of Creation in Alfheim.

The Temporal Crater - A crater lake that houses the Temporal Spire- A land outside time, even in Jotunheim itself. A pocket realm.


Niflheim (Nidavellir)

Once a land of mist, cold sands, and intense cave systems, home to the Dwarves. The realm was wiped out and destroyed in the Omnicon Crisis. Originally, the balance deities wanted to turn the realm into one of their own, like Alfheim and Jotunheim. But, the chaotic god of souls, Aethys, corrupted the realm, turning the cold sands a deathly pale blue. Now known as the Cairn, this realm is where those end up whose souls never made it to the Underworld, and are trapped here for eternity. Old souls seep down into the dwarven ruins as black rivers of pure soul energy...

The Temple of Souls - A prison temple constructed to trap the consciousness of the titan of magic, Varkun. It's said that the temple was constructed by the Dwarves, long before the crisis...


Muspelheim (Agni)

The realm of fire. It's said that all fire in the world comes from Agni. Lava, trillions of stars, fire tornadoes... Unpleasant, to say the least. Originally home to the Fire Giants, after the crisis nobody restored this realm out of sheer unpleasantness of being here. Ruins and magma, that's all there's here.


The Underworld (Helheim)


















The realm of the dead, aka the Afterlife. It is a gigantic realm encased in a cave system, with places of sheer cold and hot fire, and of various elements. Originally created under the name of Duat by the titan of death, Osiris. After Osiris' untimely demise during the crisis, the realm was taken over by the olympian Hades, and transformed into the Underworld which persists to this day. All the afterlives are pocket dimensions under this realm.

Azydos City - Azydos is the center of the Underworld itself, where all five rivers flow into the endless chasm. The city is full of architecture from various time periods. Not all have to be dead to live in Azydos, many demons, minor gods, and even mortals do. Azydos City also houses Hades' Castle, and is connected to the Tree of Souls.

Hel City - Following the river Lethe, you get to the misty frozen wastes of Hel City, which was once a bustling city much like Azydos, long long ago. Forever watched by the gigantic four-winged eagle, Hraesvelgr the Corpse Eater.

Elysium Fields - A "perfect" afterlife, only for the best souls.

Asphodel Meadows - Often considered a very simple and neutral afterlife, for souls neither bad nor good.

Aetherial Falls - An afterlife created for mages and wizards, full of magic where they could hone their techniques for eternity and live in bliss. Only the most powerful mages and Varkanus' followers are sent here.

Tartarus - A realm of nothingness, the worst afterlife in the Underworld, where life is torture, pain, and nothing.

Valhalla - Originally an afterlife created under the Allfather, Odin, after the Omnicon Crisis, the afterlife was left empty and without the Allfather. In respect to the now-gone Aesir, the afterlife was restored- And all the best and bravest warrior souls enjoy the halls of Valhalla once more.


The Temporal Dimension

A realm of time where time is always and still, yet ever flowing. Blue yet full of gothic architecture and broken ruins, it is the home of the March of Time.


The Spatial Dimension

A realm made of the fabric of space, lands of pink and gray where time has no meaning, the home of Zotros.

The Archive
The Underworld
Temporal Dimension
Spatial Dimension
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