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The Sabreian Empire

The Sabreians are one of the most hated species in their galaxy, and rightfully so. They are violent and militaristic, caring little about the well being of other species. Their only alliance is with the Dakurmus, they're at war with almost every other species. They control nearly an entire arm of their galaxy, and have many resources, allowing them to build battleships that can go through moons without a scratch.


Contrary to propaganda and misconceptions, Sabreians are not barbarians. Their home life is actually quite peaceful, and they value the arts. Their cities are adorned with murals and paintings, often of Sabre, their deity. Defacing a statue or stealing a painting can sometimes be a death penalty. In society, breaking a fang is horrible, and the Sabreian who broke their fang is often exiled or shunned.


All Sabreians serve a minimum of two years in the military, unless they have a disability, but many stay for longer terms, meaning each and every Sabreian has combat training. Sabreians can roar, but often don't, as it's seen as impolite. They can purr as well, but under certain circumstances, and it sounds more like growling.

They have a monarchy, and their current leader is Queen Sokklane Juaasfa Sinewi. The Sabreian's homeworld is Scyti, in a far orbit from their star, Sinewi. The planet itself is cold and arctic, with wildlife reflecting the harsh environment. Trees often look like conifers or evergreens, and Sabreian buildings often have black bands around them to absorb sunlight and help heat the building. A lot of their homeworld is untouched, save for a few cities, mines, and ruins or ancient battlefields.


Sabreian burial is a lot like Norse burials, funerary pyres for those that live outside of cities or when on other planets. Citizens living in cities often have personal family crypts, but public pyres held in a special place in cities for families that do not, or Sabreians with no other living family, do exist. If a Sabreian dies while on a spacecraft, they're often incinerated, as it's the closest thing to a pyre out there. Sabreian monarchy have a secret crypt, a temple of sorts, hidden somewhere on the homeworld. There, every monarch is interred.


Sabreian religious beliefs have an afterlife, that in a way is like Valhalla, and it's called Aksisav. Dying in battle gives you a free ticket to it, but doing many good things in life gives you access to it as well. There, there is parties, no war, and endless food. There's sparring matches, wrestling, eating contests and more calm things, like writing poetry, painting, singing, and just plain sleeping. There's endless sunlight in one part of Aksisav, and endless night in the other. Snow falls only seasonally; when it's winter on their homeworld. There's vast forests and vast fields, as well as mountains and rivers. There's plenty of animals to hunt, or have as pets. They have a lifespan of 200-600 years. Royalty often lives longer and can get around the 900-1000 range. They are usually 7-8ft tall, but can be smaller or larger.

Sabreians are a hated, but misunderstood species. They don't care though, and want to be the most powerful species in the multiverse.

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