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Gods of the Multiverse

All living beings in the Multiverse are inherently divided into three groups. Order, Chaos, and Balance. Some, however, are mysteriously neither- a void.


There are hundreds of gods, but there are eight main gods for each of the three realities. Sometimes the power of one of the eight is split into multiple, for example, the Horsemen are Four, but take up only one spot in the eight. The Elder Gods are the first gods of that reality that ever were, the personification of the reality's power, and the strongest beings that exist.


The gods ruled supreme in the first era of the Void, a billion years ago. Most of the pantheons were wiped out in the Omnicon crisis.


Gods & their blessings

All gods have three major blessings they can grant their followers. The first blessing of each god can be granted after years of worship, or by the god itself. The second blessing can only be granted by the god itself, and the third one is only given to the god's champions, sometimes not even them.

Here is a list of all the gods & their blessings:

Elder Mekalus

Mekalus is the Elder God of Order, and the god of matter itself. Little is known about him. Like most elder gods, he does not intervene until things get extremely dire.

MATTER, FORM ATOM. The First Blessing of Mekalus. Create matter out of will, be it any element or molecule.

ORDER, ANTIMATTER FORM. The Second Blessing of Mekalus. Create antimatter out of will, be it any element or molecule.

TRANSMUTE, ELDER ORDER. The Final Blessing of Mekalus. Change matter out of will, be it any element or molecule. Extremely powerful, creation or destruction.


Elder Dobuna

Dobuna is the Elder God of Chaos, a god of destruction and doom. He slumbers for millions of years, going on rampages and destruction sprees when angered. His daughter is Alphus.

TEAR FLESH, DESTROY. The First Blessing of Dobuna. If you magically get a hold of your victim, you can tear them apart atom by atom, soul included. Oblivion.

VINAASH, DESTRUCTION MAGIC. The Second Blessing of Dobuna. You are given true destruction magic of the highest potency- The ability to delete things from existence.

DOOM, ELDER CHAOS. The Final Blessing of Dobuna. You can destroy and doom victims and objects just by thought. You can doom someone, rendering them weakened and afraid.


Elder Arcerura

Arcerura is the Elder of Balance, also known as the Cosmos God. They created the cosmos as we know it in the very beginning. They split their powers among the gods Tempos, Zotros and Giraros.

CHANGE, MULTI TYPE. The First Blessing of Arcerura. You can change yourself to be of any elemental type at will, although only one at a time.

IMMUNE, ELEMENTAL POWER. The Second Blessing of Arcerura. Mastery of all elemental types gives you immunity to them as well. No elemental magic can affect you.

RIFT, ELDER BALANCE. The Final Blessing of Arcerura. You gain the ability to travel through time, teleport extreme distances, and warp between realms.

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Elder Gigarion

Gigarion is the Elder of Void. The god of Oblivion, Gigarion's existence and appearance are lost to time. Nothing is truly lost forever, because Gigarion Lives to remember it. One of the only survivors from the world before the cosmos.


His blessings are unknown.​



One of the most important and worshipped gods, Varkanus is the blood god of life and magic. Generally seen as evil or malevolent, despite representing life he relishes in suffering and demands sacrifices of blood. He is essentially the villain in almost half of the divine stories and legends. He replaced Varkun, who was his master and the Titan of Magic until he was murdered by Varkanus and his sister, Aethys.


LIFE, UNLIMITED AURA. The First Blessing of Varkanus. Infinite well of magic.


PROFICIENCY, SCHOOL MASTERY. The Second Blessing of Varkanus. All schools of magic are equal in strength, despite the user's training or expertise.


ETERNAL, MAGIC GOD. The Final Blessing of Varkanus. Use Varkanus' own mana eternally, for all your magic is now of the gods.



Aethys is the god of souls. Historically malevolent, she led the Golden Souls into battle in the first era. Nowadays, she actually serves her purpose of guiding souls into the afterlives, trying to atone for her past sins.


SOUL, BEND LIFE. The First Blessing of Aethys. Gives you control over souls with no cost to your own soul.


SOUL, MODIFY CRAFT. The Second Blessing of Aethys. Gives you control over actually modifying souls.


ETERNAL, SOUL GOD. The Final Blessing of Aethys. You are one with Aethys herself, for she is you and you are her. Use her magic, and live as long as she does, and she'll live as long as you do- Eternal.


Jakuna is the order god of justice. She has her own small realm known as Jakuna's Court. Her word is law among the gods and immortals, to go against her is to have you hunted and killed. The divine court is hard to approach, and the bureaucracy often takes eons. There would be few who would directly pray to Jakuna, as the law matters rarely to most unless they find themselves on the other side of it. She acts as the de-facto leader of the pantheon of gods, often ending up dealing with Varkanus.

WISDOM, DETECT LIES. The First Blessing of Jakuna. You can tell when someone is lying or telling the truth, without fail.

LAW, BECOME JUDGE. The Second Blessing of Jakuna. You are always in the position of a judge, and others have to listen to and respect your judgement no matter what.

JUSTICE, ETERNAL JUDGEMENT. The Final Blessing of Jakuna. If the target deserves it, you can use your judgement to either destroy them, or help them. For the worst of the worst, you can sentence them to oblivion, death with no afterlife. If the target does not deserve it, your judgement would do nothing.


Zotros is the god of space. Representing the fabric of space itself, even finding Zotros in the infinite cosmos is almost impossible. He does sometimes give out blessings, but he is not known to have any champions. He is known to assume a mortal-form every once in a while, acting like a champion.

SPACE, TRAVEL FABRIC. The First Blessing of Zotros. You can travel through space at will, with no limits. Infinite universes and you can go to any one of them. 

PORTAL, CREATE RIFT. The Second Blessing of Zotros. You can form extremely large portal gates between two locations, enough for entire planets to pass through at once. 

DISTORT, BEND REALITY. The Final Blessing of Zotros. You can bend space to your will, creating gravity anomalies or changing the rules of physics.


Giraros is the god of antimatter and distortion. They represent Svartalfheim, a realm that balances the Multiverse on the other side. Locked into his realm for eternity, they lead a secluded existence from the rest of society. As such, they are wild and unpredictable, and difficult to communicate with.

CHART, DISTORTION SENSE. The First Blessing of Giraros. You can chart the shadow realm, go where you need to while moving vast distances in the actual multiverse.

CLOUD, SHADOW ACRIBUS. The Second Blessing of Giraros. You can pull people's souls out or lock them in, turning their body into an acribus. You can also cloud other champions' connection to their gods and any blessings given to them.

DISTORT, BEND SPACETIME. The Final Blessing of Giraros. You can stop the flow of both space and time, rendering any helpless within the large planet-wide radius. This also stops the powers of any champions of time and space.


Lord Hades is the eldest olympian brother, one of the few olympian gods still surviving to present day. After the death of Lord Osiris, the lord of the underworld, Hades took up the leadership of the gates of the afterlives and has been serving his duty ever since.

DEATH, BANISH AFTERLIFE. The First Blessing of Hades. If you kill someone, it skips the death procedure of reapers and judgement, sending the victim to the afterlife of your choice- Or trap their soul.

SHADOW, BIDENT SUMMON. The Second Blessing of Hades. You can turn into a shadow being, and summon a shadowy Bident with the same powers as Hades' own, although less powerful so.

CONTROL, DYING LIGHT. The Final Blessing of Hades. You can control and summon Reapers to do as you wish, judge a soul yourself, and even choose to destroy a soul to oblivion.


Lord Zeus, the youngest olympian brother, died in the final days of the Omnicon Crisis. The minor weather and sky gods kept the skies working in his absence ever since, but eventually, Lady Atrius, a minor rain god, was appointed as his successor. A Carsai goddess, she is still learning all her powers and duties.

LIGHTNING, STORM CALL. The First Blessing of Atrius. You can summon lightning storms at will, stronger than any storms you'd conjure through basic spells.

WEATHER, CONTROL SKIES. The Second Blessing of Atrius. You can control all weather at will, from every cloud to planet-devastating hurricanes.

GAS, MATTER MANIPULATION. The Final Blessing of Atrius/Zeus. You have all control over gases, and can change the atmospheric compositions of any planet at will.


Poseidon is the middle olympian brother. He has survived to the present day, even though his kingdoms have long since fell. A carefree god of the seas, he cares not for the bureaucracy of the gods and spends his time having fun.

TSUNAMI, WAVE CALL. The First Blessing of Poseidon. You can summon tsunamis at will, stronger than any waves you'd conjure through basic spells.

WATER, CONTROL OCEANS. The Second Blessing of Poseidon. You can control the oceans at will, from every wave to planet-devastating floods.

LIQUID, MATTER MANIPULATION. The Final Blessing of Poseidon. You have all control over liquids, and can change the composition of all liquids at will. You can change water into wine, change lava into liquid iron.


Gunian the Archivist
Gunian is the god-creator of mankind and elves, or so it is said. Gunian looks like a human-elf, but he is billions of years older than the young races. The god of knowledge, he has a gigantic infinite library in form of the realm of the Archive. But, to take from the archive, you must present Gunian with new knowledge he does not know of, or a look into your memories. One of the most terrifying yet benevolent gods. He gave the Angels the ability to turn into Devils, but turned many of them into Demons or Keepers.

KNOW, LOCATE KNOWLEDGE. The First Blessing of Gunian. If you wish to know any knowledge, and if said knowledge exists in the Archive, the relevant book or artifact will be summoned to you.

GOD, BLESSING KNOWLEDGE. The Second Blessing of Gunian. Gunian can give you knowledge and blessings of any First or Second blessings of any god. In theory you can have two blessings from every god, but each blessing, if gained through knowledge, is extremely hard to gain and time consuming. You can only gain a second blessing from a god if you also gain their first. Theoretically one of the strongest blessings you can receive.

EXPERT, OMNI MASTERY. The Final Blessing of Gunian. You are a master at any field you require, instantly. Master magic, master antimagic, master smithing, anything. Become a master of all trades.

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Dradus is the lizard-folk god of luck and fate. Known to be a sleazy god, always partying with mortals while simultaneously conning them out of their money. He is called the "RNG God" in modern times, and not someone you want to make deals with.


CHARISMA, PERSUADE ANY. The First Blessing of Dradus. You words become silk, you can talk anyone into doing almost anything.MUTATE,


CHAOTIC LIFE. The Second Blessing of Dradus. You can deform and change most creatures, force evolving them into whatever you require. Extremely powerful.


LUCK, NEVER LOST. The Final Blessing of Dradus. It makes it so you would win almost any test of luck to your advantage, and your overall luck is extremely high. Extremely powerful.


Vertum Uriel is one of two Angel gods. He is the orderly creator god, and also the god of messengers. He is extremely fast, said to cover the distance of a thousand universes in a single second.

SPEED, MESSENGER FAST. The First Blessing of Vertum. You have extreme speed even without teleportation, and are able to perceive time in slow motion.

CREATION, ORDER BEING. The Second Blessing of Vertum. You can use creation magic to create things, in an orderly way.

CREATION, LIFE MANIPULATE. The Final Blessing of Vertum. You can use creation magic to create or modify life.


After Mutrev left his original position as the chaotic creator god, Quanus, the insect god was appointed to the role. Quanus is secretive, and works methodically and efficiently. A god of few words, his architecture is very gieger-y.

STRENGTH, PHYSICAL BEING. The First Blessing of Quanus. You become incredibly physically strong even without magic, almost invincible.

CREATION, CHAOS BEING. The Second Blessing of Quanus. You can use creation magic to create things, in a chaotic way.

CREATION, LIFE MANIPULATE. The Final Blessing of Quanus. You can use creation magic to create or modify life.


The Horsemen
They are four gods, but take up only one spot in Chaos' eight. They are considered "essential" forces, somewhere between major gods and minor. They include Sekhmet, the god of war, Apollo, the god of plagues (and music and healing), Artemis, the god of pestilence (and hunting and fertility), and finally,  Thanatos, the god of death. The title of the God of War has been passed down multiple times over the centuries, from gods like Ares and Wilfre.

FAMINE, BRING HUNGER. The First Blessing of the Horsemen. You bring famine where you want, the ability to render entire planets weak.

PESTILENCE, BRING PLAGUE. The Second Blessing of the Horsemen. You bring plagues where you want, the ability to doom entire planets.

WAR, BRING CONQUEST. The Third Blessing of the Horsemen. You bring war and conquest where you want, the ability to doom the entire multiverse.

DEATH, BRING OBLIVION. The Final Blessing of the Horsemen. You can kill anyone and anything you want whenever you want, and in any number.




Kronos (Or Cronus) is one of the few remaining Titans. Father of the olympian gods, he is locked up in Tartarus. He is the titan of time, representing entropy and destruction. Even though he is imprisoned, he still has his hand in the events across the cosmos.

STASIS, FREEZE TIME. The First Blessing of Kronos. You can freeze time for an individual or a location, putting them in stasis.

ARMOR, CRONUS SCALE. The Second Blessing of Kronos. You can summon "Cronus'" armor, made from his scales. It can protect you from almost everything.

ENTROPY, TIME KILLS. The Final Blessing of Kronos. You can accelerate entropy for anything, which is usually death and non-existence. Time kills all. 


Krakus is one of two Omnicon gods. He was originally Draxal's best assassin during the Omnicon Crisis, killing thousands of gods- but eventually saw the errors of his ways, turning to the side of the gods. As such, he and a few more of his kind survived Mekalus' purge. He was appointed as the God of Deicide, the god who kills renegade gods. His job is to hunt down and terminate any god or champions that break the divine laws.

STEALTH, ASSASSINATE SILENT. The First Blessing of Krakus. You are as stealthy as can be, people magically don't detect you.

KILL, ASSASSINATE INSTINCT. The Second Blessing of Krakus. You know how to kill any being, and you'd succeed almost always.

GODS, ASSASSINATE MINOR. The Final Blessing of Krakus. You can now kill minor gods, with or without Azbantium.


Ra was the god of universes, stars, and planets before his death in the crisis. To replace the crucial position, Saenus, an omnicon, and then-wife of Krakus, was appointed for the role. She does her job well without faults, but enjoys her solitude, usually living as a hermit on the far ends of the cosmos.

CREATE, MAKE STAR. The First Blessing of Saenus. You can create stars out of thin air, any size or form.

CREATE, MAKE PLANET. The Second Blessing of Saenus. You can create planets out of thin air, land, air and water. No creation magic required, although you can't make life.

CREATE, MAKE UNIVERSE. The Final Blessing of Saenus. You can create entire new blank universes, without any rift energy.



Eurion is the god of technology. She was appointed because of the ever-growing rate of technological progression in the Multiverse, but has been around since the beginning. Her workshop is always at the forefront of technological progress.

TECHNOLOGY, UNDERSTAND ALL. The First Blessing of Eurion. You understand all technology (that Eurion herself understands) innately. If you need to know something about something, you know it. You immediately know how said thing works, how to make it, or break it.

TECHNOLOGY, CREATE ALL. The Second Blessing of Eurion. You have the ability to create top-of-the-line technology.

TECHNOLOGY, CONTROL ALL. The Final Blessing of Eurion. You can control all technology around you just by thinking so. Everything, at your fingertips.


Magmus is the balanced god of destruction. Originally a Carsai god, he dislikes being worshiped. As such, he changes his species and appearance at whim, always in a new form. As such, any statues of him are always outdated. He is known to be hot-tempered and a bit of a jerk.

DESTRUCTION, MAGIC BALANCE. The First Blessing of Magmus. You now have destruction magic. It is not as powerful as to destroy entire systems, but with lots of effort you can probably destroy a planet.

CHANGE, SPECIES WILL. The Second Blessing of Magmus. You can completely change your species to another without any drawbacks. No illusions either. Unlike Chaos Essence, the spell, this is permanent until you use it again.

BLOOD, GOD ESSENCE. The Final Blessing of Magmus. Magmus' own blood flows through you, enhancing all your combative abilities ten times, including your destruction magic.


Arrus - Alphus

Alphus was the daughter of Elder Dobuna, a cephacon. She used to be the balancer, a peaceful god. Draxal reaped her soul, starting the Omnicon Crisis. She was resurrected recently, but since she is no longer a god. She was replaced by Silver Arrow, a mortal uplifted into a god. She is still in training with her powers, though.



Ultros was the robotic creation of Stuffy, a mad scientist. Ultros started out evil and destructive, but eventually saw the errors of his ways... And everyone else's. He was appointed as the replacement of Omegus as the balanced creator god. He has created the Eden planets, his own perfect world separated from the wars and conflict of the rest of the Multiverse. He has also unwittingly become the patron-god of robots, a rallying cry for robot rights.



Charon is the reaper of souls, the Grim Reaper, the ferryman, and the servant of the underworld. While Thanatos causes death, Hades governs the afterlives, and Aethys serves the souls... It is the job of Charon and the reapers under his command to actually reap those souls from their mortal bodies.


DEATH, DETECT EVERYWHERE. The First Blessing of Charon. If someone is dying, and you're listening for it, you immediately know who and where, and you can teleport to them without magic cost.


REAPERS, SUMMON ALL. The Second Blessing of Charon. You can summon reapers to attack someone at will, three at max, with no cost to magic.


REAP, VOID COMES. The Final Blessing of Charon. You have the ability to summon a scythe, and reap someone's soul out of their body. Another strike to the soul will shatter it, oblivion.



Omegus used to be the opposite of Magmus, an normal balance-creation carsai god. However, he sought more power, and eventually became the new voidal God of Antimagic, the forbidden opposite of magic. He thought himself to be an Elder Void god, until Gigarion resurged.


ANTIMAGIC, UNLIMITED AURA. The First Blessing of Omegus. Infinite well of antimagic.


PROFICIENCY, VOID MAGIC. The Second Blessing of Omegus. You are a void, and your magic becomes of the void as well. You permanently switch from whatever reality you were of before, be it balance, order, or chaos.


MIND, CONTROL VOID. The Final Blessing of Omegus. You gain a semblance of control over all voidal entities, like Acribii or unknown creatures.



Anubis used to be the reaper before Charon in the first era. However, he was locked up inside the planet Gigarion, in a state of undeath. Released, he seems to have no purpose anymore, a true instance of void.


Anubis, unlike the minor goddess Hela, seems to hold no ill-will towards Charon, and accepts his new reality as fact. No longer judging souls, he seeks to find a new path in his undying life.



Orr'eeyar, or the March of Time, is the monolith of Time, a pillar of reality beyond any god. Despite his status, he's known for being a bit aloof, toying with gods and mortals alike in strange and nonsensical games, though rarely are they malicious. Despite this behavior, Orr'eeyar is immensely powerful, being time itself given form. He's everywhere, throughout time and space, and one of your closest friends may even be the monolith of time in disguise.


Tempos used to be the god of time but was devoured by Orr'eeyar. Time was never a concept gods could comprehend, and always belonged in the category of void. His blessings used to be:


TIME, TRAVEL VORTEX. The First Blessing of Tempos. You can travel through time instantly, with no harm from the Time Vortex. You can sense time distortions.


SEE, TIMELINE FLUX. The Second Blessing of Tempos. You can see all infinite timelines, and scan them to know all you need.


ETERNAL, EXIST TIME. The Final Blessing of Tempos. You exist through time, immortal forever, undying. Is permanent, unless time itself is no more.



The Monolith of endings, Sylkus rules over all things that end, or cannot end. He controls where things cease to be, and curses others to remain forever. Despite being the 'reaper of all things', Sylkus is pleasant for conversation and enjoys the views of mortal life, no matter how wrong they may be. It isn't uncommon for him to invite random people into his realm simply to hear about what they think about things, and immensely enjoys a quick wit.


Mutrev - Dimensus

Mutrev Uriel was one of two Angel gods. Originally a chaotic creator god to balance his brother's orderly creator, he sought higher power. Eventually lured to be an order god, he became the god of realms and dimensions. The position used to belong to the titan Dimensus, who perished in the Angel Rebellion and became the new roots of Yggdrasil. Mutrev himself recently perished at the sudden end of the Tournament of the Void, slain by the creature known as Deckle using the Eldersbane. As of now, the position of the God of Realms is unfulfilled.


REALM, ENTER ALL. The First Blessing of Dimensus. You can tap into any realm, even those you do not know exist. From every afterlife to every hidden realm.


HIGHER, ABOVE BEING. The Second Blessing of Dimensus. You can become species belonging to higher (or lower) dimensions, transcend three-dimensional life.


REALM, CHANGE ALL. The Final Blessing of Dimensus. You basically become a god, able to manipulate matter or anything to your will in any realm. You also, however, transcend all life, and become a being of energy that exists everywhere, everytime. No known recipients.

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