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The Vepsene Kingdom


The Vepsene are a race of bipedal insectoids with various different types, the most common being called 'wasp'. There's also moth, beetle, spider, caterpillar, and mantis.

The Vepsene have been struggling with an ancient plague that threatens to wipe out the species. They are mostly medieval, with knights guarding various towns from zombified infected Vepsene. They still hold hope that their king will return, as he fled many years ago when the plague got out of control.

Their entire civilization is underground, as the surface is a hostile desert. There's several domes up there, operated by Atti'oin scientists, who are helping the Vepsene with the plague.

They are magic-wielders, one of the few species that trains such an art. They use ancient runes, carved into their swords, which they call nails, to cast ancient spells.

They're a friendly species with beautiful building styles and clothing, skilled metal and weaponsmiths, and great warriors. But all may not be as it seems...


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