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The Multiverse

The Multiverse is the main setting of Voidverse. It contains the infinite universes, after all. There is the Prime Universe, from which all infinite universes were born. Every universe just slightly different from the rest, or so different it's completely unique. As such, there are multiple Earths, multiple homeworlds of the Elves, and so on.


The main civilizations that have discovered Multiversal travel are near the Prime Universe itself, in the very center of the infinite realm. Universes 1-50 are called the "Inner Void", whereas universes 51-250 are considered the "Outer Void". Anything beyond is referred to as the "Far Void."


The Multiverse itself is like a different realm. As you cannot travel out of a universe- Or even fully explore one, there is no edge to cross over. Instead, a ship requires a special drive called a "Void Core" that allows the ship to phase out of the Universe into the Multiverse as a whole.


This is a map of the Inner Void.

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