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Other Planets

This is a list of the important planets in the Multiverse, that aren't claimed by any particular nation.



Varkunast is the holy planet of Varkanus, the god of magic. It is a volcanic world, but rich with life regardless. Ash storms are common.


The planet is blessed with an infinite magic well, which means the potential of any magic-user on this planet will be maximized. As such, it is home to the grand temple of Varkanus, and this is where followers of the way of magic go. It is situated in the void, without a universe, near the edge of the inner Void.


The half-constructed spaceworld CP02 crashed into Varkunast in 3E42, leaving the planet half covered in mechanical debris and continent sized supports. This also brought a black star into a binary orbit with its own star.




Alphanim is the holy planet of Omegus, the god of antimagic. It is a desert world, but rich with life regardless. It is situated in the void without a universe, but very far away from the Inner Void, around Universe 11234.


The planet is blessed with an negative magic well, which means the potential of any antimagic-user on this planet will be maximized. As such, it is home to the grand temple of Omegus, built to be the same as the grand temple of Varkanus on Varkunast. and this is where followers of the way of antimagic go.


Eden One & Eden Two

The Edens were created by the new Balanced Creator, Ultron. They exist near the very center of the Multiverse, not in any universe. They are examples of "Perfect" planets. The ecosystem, from every animal to every blade of grass, has been made by Ultron personally. They are supposed to be perfect, without any wars or conflict of the other nations.


To make sure no civilization or person tries to land on the planets, Ultron has made security systems that shoot down any ship, and he himself would destroy anyone who makes it past without permission.



Eteru is a planet in Universe 6474 recently discovered. It is very unique, as every creature and even the plants seem to have their own magic field, and magic wells. The planet itself seems to be a giant living organism- and as such sometimes reacts negatively to outsiders, considering them viruses sometimes.


Flora grows to high levels at night, and huddles underground during the day. It grows to high levels to attract Moonhorns, which bring with it the symbiotic bugs, which help the flora pollinate.

Moonhorns are a behemoth-class creature, only known creature to generate it's own magic well as it goes, and only known soul which isn't hurt when someone uses it for magic. HYDRA captured five of these creatures for experimentation. It's horns are extremely valuable for magic research and luxury. It does not get hurt when someone uses it's well.

There are small fire-fly like bugs called Eterflies that are attracted to heat, usually gathering in swarms around other creatures. They are symbiotic creatures. No danger to creatures that have a size of more than a few centimeters.  They increase the host's magic capacity and if possible, feed them some of the food they synthesize for themselves using heat.They can generate energy just by nearing heat on a relatively cold planet, and as such seek out other warm-blooded lifeforms for a constant food source as well as protection. In return, the bugs increase the host's magic levels. Harmless.

Starwolves are apex solitary predators with extreme magic levels, these gigantic wolf-like beings can carve out entire rivers behind them. Hunt smaller creatures, but starved ones can hunt down bigger ones like Moonhorns singularly or cooperatively. Hunts smaller animals to absorb their magic and actually eat them. Also has a symbiotic relation with the bugs, but doesn't generate it's own magic well- Simply uses the bugs' magic. The animal is purposely very warm and lives in warm climates, to attract the most amount of bugs from a young age. The strongest specimens recorded by HYDRA have been shown to carve out rivers behind them through their magic. Sometimes, they can attack Moonhorns if they're extremely starved. A single one cannot take town a fully grown one, but two usually are able to.

Atmosphere at day has a gas that causes sleep on most humanoid beings.

The planet has one extremely large moon that lights up the night. There are gigantic underground oceans stretching the planets, and even rumors of a race of pure magical beings with societies under the ground - Eterians.


Eterians are made up of pure magic, and are bioluminicent. With magic affinity as strong if not stronger than the ancient godly races, their tribes are hidden from the rest of the multiverse, although a few Eterians have mixed into modern society.


Moonhorn. Art by Toadcop.

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