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The New Lunar Socialist Republic

The Republic separated from The Terran Alliance due to a difference of ideals. They aim to colonize as much as they can, and introduce new civilizations to the void. After the loss of their leader, a new leader, Raph, has risen. The NLSR now grows far and wide, colonizing much of Universe 3. They are new, but not nothing.


They tried to fight against Hydra, but eventually lost their first stronghold Tikius as a part of the 7-year war. 


The NLSR flag is a banner of blue representing the multiverse, with a silver hammer and sickle in the shape of a planet with rings. The three stars represent the leaders of the NLSR.




The NLSR capital is the refound lost ancient planet of Gigarion, a gothic ruin that has now become the seat of the republic. One of the few worlds that was shot through time during Timer's displacement, alongside Icarius, Caelus, and more.


With ruins of old civilizations dotted around the large planet, the NLSR colonized it, hailing it as the world they were looking for, setting up a new capital on this planet, still growing as a proper colony... City Luna!


Gigarion, even from orbit, looks very... Grim. Dark seas and darker skies of hues ranging from browns and blacks and reds, the planet isn't one you'd describe as "lush" or "colorful" from above. Its clear that in the ancient era, something big went down here, as apparent by a debris ring of an ancient moon in the orbit of the planet, not dissimilar to Sombus. The most striking feature of the system, even from orbit, is the remaining moon- Not unlike most moons, but bright red in color.


Gigarion lives up to the name as well, the planet is a super earth, several times the size of regular rocky planets and with a much higher gravity well to boot. The large red moon, itself incredibly big, does not help piloting in the system.


On the surface though, it is lush. Gothic ruins of old buildings and cathedrals, statues and vaults clash with the futuristic colony buildings of the NLSR.


The planet housed the mysterious 'Void-Gate' underneath it, as well as being the prison of the god Anubis for his everdeath. In the first era, the planet was an execution- Anyone locked up in Gigarion was forgotten by everyone and everything, disappearing into oblivion.


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