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Timeline of the Multiverse


Era of Formation

Not much is known about the Era of Formation. It is said that it is everything from before time. It lasted for 1.3 Billion known years, and was known to be very uneventful.

The Multiverse begins. The creation gods are created by Elder Arceus, and the Prime Universe is created. As such, the infinite universes begin forming.


Elders Dobuna and Mekalus are created by Chaos and Order.


The primal god Varkun is created to govern over the new concept of magic.


First mortal life in the ocean of the planet Origan.


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Era of the Gods

The Era of the Gods was the golden age of what you'd consider high fantasy. Gods created many races to worship them, and new gods popped up everywhere. Billions of gods, all being worshiped by the mortal races. The tyranny of the gods came to an end when the Omnicon Crisis began, when under the leader of Emperor Draxal, The Omnicons rebelled and started killing gods. This era lasted for 724 trillion years, and ended rather explosively.

Balance creates Magmus and Omegus.


Around this time all the other old gods are created or born, including Osiris, Anubis, Hel, etc.


Dobuna's daughter is born, Alphus.


Alphus, Elder Dobuna's daughter, becomes the third to Magmus and Omegus.


Kronos the Titan is born.


Magmus is trained by Kronos, who is more powerful despite being younger.


Aethys is created by Chaos.


Kronos' Sons overthrow him and defeat the Titans, imprisoning Kronos in Tartarus, a new "afterlife" created by Chaos.


Just so the mortals have an afterlife instead of oblivion like the gods, the titan Osiris creates the Underworld and the other afterlives.


Giratina is banished to the Distortion balance realm to control it and stay there for eternity.


Varkun is killed by Varkanus and Aethys to make the Crystal of Darkness and the Crystal of Light with his soul. The apprentices killed their master for power and positions- Although there is a rumor that Aethys was manipulated by Varkanus, who becomes the new God of Magic.


The Alvcons are created by Elder Arceus. They are in the form of the old god, Varkun.


The Omnicons are created by Elder Mekalus.


The Angels are created by Balance, including the two Angel gods, Mutrev and Vertum.


The Golden Souls are at their peak- The Order that serves Lady Aethys, and are symbiotic with her own life.


The Golden Era of the old Void begins, with all the old civilizations at their peak in peace and prosperity, serving the gods.


The Order of the Black Steel is formed by Lords Osiris and Anubis. They are a secret order of spies and assassins working for select gods.


Lord Vertum creates the Dexicon race, but they go out of control. Elder Dobuna eventually puts them down before they spread, but rumors have that a few survived...


Lady Alphus killed by Emperor Draxal, sparking the beginning of the Omnicon Crisis, ending the tyranny of the gods once and for all.


Markal Zuriel, the protector of the light, is buried alive on Caelus to protect the light from the Omnicons.


An Omnicon neutral planet is attacked by the god "Gunian". They were all destroyed, but with their dying breath laid a curse on the semi-common material Azbantium - For it to kill gods. Weapons from the alloy were created, and changed the tide of the war.


This is considered the height of the Omnicon Crisis. Hundreds of gods dying every second, and thousands of Omnicons.


Two unique births in the empire, of Omnicons with tails… Taken by the royal family.


After so much senseless bloodshed, Elder Mekalus did what no Elder did and hasn't done since- Intervene. Within five minutes, the Eder ended the war. Almost every Omnicon was destroyed, and so was almost every god. Almost all mortal life was wiped out. This ended the Era of the Gods explosively.


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Era of the Mortals


Learning from their mistakes, the gods took a step back from mortal affairs for the most part. This era lasted for 1.287 quadrillion years, until 2011 on Earth. This constitutes the largest portion of the Multiverse's history.

Order declares the end of an era, and gods are given strict permissions. Gods no longer have free reign of the Void for the most part. Multiverse travel is lost, and life is confined to their universes, with only accidental travel to other universes if that. Life begins to recover.

2E36,526 - 1.28 Quadrillion years ago

The Earth and Equus form in all the new universes.

23-05-2E1,286,997,801,980,282 - 4.54 Billion years ago

Daskl "Dascal", Dobuna's former champion, goes on a rampage in Azydos, and eventually, Hades banishes him to Tartarus.

22-03-2E1,287,002,342,049,113 - 3.18 Million years ago

Crossbow Silver-47 ends the old Temporal Empire and establishes the Hydra Collective.

12-02-2E1,287,002,343,239,274 - 1.99 Million years ago

Vortex Neptunium is taken in for the Vortex program, meanwhile Hydra takes over all of Universe 4 with the help of the Ballistas.

12-02-2E1,287,002,344,058,856 - 1.17 Million years ago

Crossbow-47 goes critical and explodes on Timeron, leaving Hydra without a Silver for the foreseeable future.

30-10-2E1,287,002,345,033,035 - 199963 BC

The Elven Empire is formed on Equus.

17-12-2E1,287,002,345,232,740 - 258 AD

An unknown individual creates the void core, (re)discovering void travel for everyone, and starting a new civilized era of the void.

22-12-2E1,287,002,345,234,538 - 2011 AD

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Era of the Void

This is the current era. Many civilizations from many universes have rediscovered multiverse travel, and have begun to colonize the infinite universes.


Void travel becomes commonplace for a few civilizations, and those few colonize the Void. No major civilizations yet.

01-01-3E01 - 2013 AD

The "Caleks" appear and wage war on all the new civilizations, robotic monsters that destroy everything.

11-04-3E01 - 2013 AD

The Caleks are all destroyed after their homeworld and core is blown up in the Calek Universe- a blank universe they created for themselves.

31-12-3E02 - 2014 AD

A Timelord named Timer appears, and takes over all the civilizations in the Void, creating the New Temporal Empire, and he became it's Emperor. Most civilizations were conquered.

01-01-3E07 - 2019 AD

The Federation of the Void is formed by independent civilizations (Under the Temporal Empire), and the construction of the 3 space-worlds begins.

22-08-3E11 - 2023 AD

The Resistance against the Temporal Empire forms.

22-02-3E15 - 2027 AD

All 3 spaceworlds are now operational, and serve as the center point of all multiversal travel.

16-05-3E20 - 2032 AD

Lord Timer is killed by Resistance fighters, and the Temporal Empire falls. It splits into many individual civilizations, whereas the FoV becomes the central nation of the Multiverse.

31-12-3E28 - 2040 AD

Equus-4 is mysteriously destroyed.

15-01-3E30 - 2042 AD

Hydra and The Terran Alliance start fighting after a few Hydra attacks on Terran bases.

11-05-3E30 - 2042 AD

After the Crimson Empire joined the Terran Alliance against Hydra and it was escalating to all-out war, Ultron intervened and ended the war just as soon as it began. Instead, Quasar is born... And almost destroys the Multiverse before being defeated.

14-05-3E30 - 2042 AD

A temporal-displacement happens, and many planets are displaced to the present day- Including Icarius, bringing Emperor Draxal and the Omnicon Empire back to life.

18-05-3E30 - 2042 AD

Elder Dobuna destroys Universe 5.

03-09-3E30 - 2042 AD

The Omnicons attack most of the nations. Draxal invades the Underworld, and fights Hades. He escapes, but not before destroying the seal of Tartarus. Before it is fixed, Lord Kronos and many others had already escaped.

12-09-3E30 - 2042 AD

Strela Silver-47 takes over Hydra, and aims to unify U4 under Hydra- And declares war on any other civilization with planets in U4, the biggest one being the Crimson Empire.

25-09-3E30 - 2042 AD

Hydra takes over Dejiin.

05-11-3E33 - 2045 AD

A billion citizens die in a terrorist attack on Equus-1 after a sector collapsed. Unknown origin.

23-01-3E34 - 2046 AD

A robot named Flux starts the Glitch Revolution, a violent group that is fighting for Robot rights by taking over planets, killing anti-robot politicians, etc.

25-01-3E34 - 2046 AD

Hydra attacks Tikius, but is eventually defeated due to the intervention of the Crimson Empire.

20-02-3E34 - 2046 AD

Kronos returns, attempting to take over the Multiverse. However, he is defeated when most gods come together to defeat him, and imprison him in Tartarus once more.

22-02-3E34 - 2046 AD

Primavera becomes the co-president of the Terran Alliance alongside President Callas, who was forcibly converted into a robot by the Glitch.

29-03-3E34 - 2046 AD

All the major universes have given robots full citizenship and rights to make the Glitch back down.

20-05-3E36 - 2048 AD

The plan to take over Tikius is enacted, and succeeds without a problem. Hydra now fully controls Universe 4, and ends the 7-year war with the Crimson Empire.

21-06-3E39 - 2051 AD

Hydra planet Lendrel-3 explodes and is destroyed by unknown forces.

10-11-3E41 - 2053 AD

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