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The Varkanist Zyn Empire

The Zyn Empire used to be secular, until it was taken over by the cult of Varkanus, the God of Magic. This Holy Empire now extends through the far void, originating from Universe 214. It is technologically advanced, and have converted their homeworld, Vazael, and its moon into a core-mining generator. Their system is under the shadow of a supermassive black hole "Vaziin" also called the "Eye of Varkanus", too far to affect them but close enough to take up half the sky.


The Zyn are far evolutionary descendants of the ancient race of Cephacons. They are tall and tough, with immense physical strength and an amazing skill for both kinds of magic.


The Varkanist Zyn Empire flag is a dull-red and green. Individually, the red represents blood and valor, and the green represents the fertility and prosperity of Vazael. But together, green and red form the colors of the Blood God of Magic, Varkanus. The pure white spheres on the green represent purity, as well as Vazael itself and its various moons. On the left is the symbol of the nation. The symbol, called the Eye of Varkanus, is the name of the supermassive black hole that looms in the sky of Vazael. The black sphere representing the black hole itself, where the white hexagrams representing both magic, antimagic and the accretion disc of the black hole.



Vazael is an old planet, around a core star of a galaxy. As such, even though it is too far to case any damage, the supermassive black hole known as Vaziin takes up half the sky.


The planet over the years has been converted into a power plant- It is a city-wide planet, with cites on 5 underground levels- The surface city, the city below that one, the city below that city, the city below that, the city below that and the city below all of them. They tap the magma using power generators. Over the years, the magma has been exposed to the atmosphere, visible as giant seas of fire from space. Trillions live on the planet.


Vazael's four minor moons have been mined through, and the biggest moon as been converted into another city-planet.


The planet is often referred to as the "Civilization Engine." With advanced magic, the Zyn dug deep and awakened fire. With five levels of their underground cities going right down into the mantle, the Zyn finally used magic to overcome their homeworld, beating nature as they created the quasi-stable structure of their world. An engine that taps the magma of an entire planet... The civilization engine runs the Zyn empire, the eternal gift of the planet whose fiery insides they conquered. Grinding four of their moons into dust and shards in the aim of resources, the Zyn have used their natural resources and mastered them. However, if the magical balance of the planet is to ever come into a state of collapse, nature might run its course, and the entire planet might melt down. For the only true masters of the flame were the Fire Giants of Muspelheim, and they are all but gone. But who knows, perhaps the Zyn hold one of the old giants within their civilization engine, keeping the mantle in control...

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