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The Terran Alliance

The Alliance was formed between Equus and Earth, to unite Universe 1 as one. The Alliance is a democratic nation, with three capital planets. Their ideals are rooted in equal rights for all, and justice without bias. The Alliance generally does not prefer military aggression, but have a large military in case they do need it. Mainly an alliance between Humans and Elves, the alliance has grown to include more species recently.


The Terran Alliance flag is a banner of blue and green, representing the liberated blue oceans and the fertile green forests of both planets. The white color, representing purity, is used to make the two cresents that refer to the twin planets, Earth and Equus, as well as their moons, Selene and Luna.


The three capitals of the nation are Earth, Equus and Gaia. Gaia was terraformed by the nation to serve as a common planet for both races, and so that the government wasn't on either twin.


In this universe, the US and the Soviet Union in '69 joined in a space pact, and as such the Moon landing was a joint mission. Technology advanced at a quick pace with a focus on space. Near 2004, all the space agencies had combined into one. 2019 was First Contact with Equus and then the rest of the universe. When Multiverse travel was discovered the same year, both planets were conquered by the original Temporal Empire. By 2037 individual Earth Countries weren't that big of a deal, worked more like states, well, most of them. Terran Alliance became a major faction by 2040 when the Temporal Empire shattered. Equus on the other hand never had the technological limitation, and as such ballooned into the high-tech ecumenopolis it is.


Equus & Earth

Equus and Earth both had rapid technological advancement in Universe 1. While Earth is mostly near-future, Equus-1 on the other hand is an ecumenopolis- A planet wide city, home to trillions.


Aztan-4 & Bakti-5

The two planets form a binary pair. Both are rich in luxury minerals like diamonds, gems of all kinds, rare elements. As such, they have become a hub of luxury... For the rich. Outside the luxurious cities, there are towns of poverty and miners in the harsh deserts of both worlds.


Recently, the robot-rights violent group "The Glitch" corrupted Aztan-4's atmosphere with a toxin that only allows robots to survive. As such, only robots are allowed to mine on the planet anymore.

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