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The Zenicons

The Zenicons are recent god-created race. Exoskeletal Humanoids, they were created by the Chaotic Creator god, Quanus. Their homeworld is the planet Sombus.


Supposed to be everything the Omnicons were, just not forced into servitude. A metaphorical mix of both the old Alvcons and the Omnicons, exceptional in both kinds of magic as well as physical force. The species is said to be blessed by the god of magic, Varkanus, as is their homeworld of Sombus.


They have a tough exoskeleton and immense strength. They are native to Sombus, and as such make up a large portion of the Crimson Empire.


The Zenicons were called "Omnicons 2.0" by some. Quanus intended them not to be unkillable tanks like the Omnicons, but natural and adaptable.


Quanus fought for his right to make them, as the gods were still wary after the Omnicon crisis. Many limitations were put on the species- The big one being that they had no magic, and were put on a barren lifeless planet, Sombus.


The early Zenicons however found this unfair, and instead sacrificed most of their numbers to the blood god, Varkanus. The species' god-given lifeblood drained into a bluemagmic volcano, their prayers were answered. Varkanus gave them magic, and transformed Sombus in to a lush forested world. Thus, the Zenicons worship Varkanus more so than their creator, Quanus. This was one of the many reasons Varkanus is hated so much by the other gods.

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