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The Colpz'hal

The Colpz'hal are a recent space-faring species. Humanoid Avians, their homeworld is the planet Yahink'n, in the Crimson Empire.


The Colpz'hal are extremely long-limbed crab-like avians, they have the biological ability to hoverfly using an innate form of telekinesis. They are sometimes called "Birdcrabs" by some. They have innate magic, that differs from subspecies to subspecies.


They are a predator species with many subspecies under them- some of the more common ones listed below.







The Paiz'hal are the most numerous subspecies, and have water-based magics. Extremely adaptable and friendly, they've spread across the Crimson Empire and beyond. When people think Colpz'hal, they think of the Paiz'hal first.






The Croz'hal are dark-magic focused, and thus fit in the Crimson Empire without any issue. They are numerous compared to many other subspecies of Colpz'hal, and are seen often.






The Tohz'hal are pyromancy-based, often preferring to live near volcanoes or magmic caves. They have been known to make pilgrimages to their holy realm of Agni.






The Maez'hal are relatively unknown, and tribes of them tend to live secluded from the rest of civilization. They are one of the tallest, nearing 15 ft in height sometimes. They have been known to have necromantic magic and other deathly magics.





The Jaez'hal are forest-dwellers, and have cities made of gigantic trees and flora. They are chloromancers, and prefer nature over urban landscapes.

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