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Federation of the Void

When the Temporal Empire fell, many civilizations formed the nations we see today. The majority that wanted to stay independent formed the Federation, a neutral nation that serves the void. Each planet is still independent, but there is a central government. The FoV built the spaceworlds that all nations use to this day. It is protected by the other nations.


Spaceworld Zeus was built for residential use, the largest space world. It can house 5 billion people at once.


Spaceworld Poseidon was built for commercial use, the second largest space world.


Spaceworld Hades was built for industrial use, the smallest space world. There are hundreds of ports in the SW that all void-faring spaceships have to dock into for fuel. However, many smugglers and would-be-pirates use the docks for illicit purposes, near locations like Nanun's Pub.


There is also Utopia, the space-station sized shell that has been converted into the media center of the Multiverse, Utopia Network.


The Federation's symbol is the Light of Industry. It has a gear in the middle representing the industrial union, and the circle of light around it representing the union of all the Federation members as well as the light of the Prime Universe. The Federation flag is a banner of yellow and purple. In the middle is the Light of Industry. The yellow represents the light and hope of the multiverse, whereas the purple represents the nobility and wealth of the member planets.



SW Zeus
SW Poseidon
SW Hades

The Multiversal Credit is the main currency used in the mulitverse. It is printed and regulated by the FoV. Most of the nations have adopted this currency, with the exception of Hydra, Teer, Saturnia, and the Omnicon Repbulic.

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