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The Tyllin Empire

The Tyllin are a bipedal humanoid reptillian race of flying/gliding omnivores, native from the gas giant, Fhije-6, a rare outer solar system gas giant. The gas giant has 16 moons, all of which the Tyllin have since colonized. The ominvores have created a monopoly on starship fuel, being able to retrieve potent gasses from the deep interiors of the giants. They have no allies, but no enemies either. They trade to all other species, and no species dares to attack them or their gas giant strongholds, at the risk of shutting down their main fuel suppliers. They are often also requested for helping clean up radiation leaks on other species planets, due to their tenacity from living on highly radioactive gas giants. They can live up to 700 years, and possibly longer, and are relatively immune to disease on their gas giants worlds. They are one of the few races that can live and colonize gas giants, but they are the only ones that can do so effectively. Their ships are heavily structured and armored, being some of the toughest ships out there, but usually they're only transport and not fighters.


The ships can also delve deep under oceans in search of fuel sources on planets, even their gas giants, being able to make it to the deepest abysses of these seas. The Tyllin themselves are some of the hardiest races, covered in tough scales. Their bones aren't the traditional hollow bones with honeycomb patterns that most flying races have, instead, they're reinforced with thick cartilage pillars. They're a fairly easy-going race, and they're friendly when meeting other species offworld.


The dark blue banner of their flag represents still-to-be-discovered space. The gas giant is their homeworld, and the six spheres not only represent the six colonized moons, but the six empires of Tyllin that formed together to make the current one. The lighter blue is their color of arms.

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