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Schools of Magic

Many schools of magic are linked with particular patron gods, whose white symbols are under/above the smaller icons. For example, the school of Enchanting being linked with the Elder God of Matter, Lord Mekalus, or the school of Divination being linked with the Chaotic God of Knowledge, Gunian the Archivist.

The central white hexagram is the symbol of Lord Varkanus, the Blood God of Magic itself. Similarly, the gray hexagram in the symbol of antimagic is widely implied to be a corruption of Varkanus' sigil by the Elder God of Antimagic, Lord Omegus.

Magic in this world is derived from innate magic of the caster and the magic "well" of the planet itself. The stronger the magic well, the stronger the spells.

Antimagic is stronger in the absense of a magic well, in an unexplained way yet. Many consider that Antimagic is to Magic like antimatter is to matter, but it's up for debate.



The school of abjuration consists of defensive, protective and suppressive spells. People can say that Abjuration is the weak man's magic, as defensive spells are considered cowardly by many predator species. The school is most closely linked to the god Arceus. Some well known categories of spells are-

Warding - Making protective wards or shields. (Warder)
Sealing - Making magical seals. (Sealer)
Purification - Purifying magic that is corrupted or dying. (Purifier)
Augmentation - Defensive augmentation magic. (Augmenter)




The school of conjuration deals with summoning, sending or creating objects or creatures. Conjuration can be considered slavery by some, but it is generally considered so useful with spells like teleportation that not many find fault in it. The school is most closely linked to the god Quanus. Some well known categories of spells are-

Summoning - Bringing things to you. (Summoner)
Creation - Creating objects through magic. (Creator)
Teleportation - Changing the location of yourself. Portals, etc. (Teleporter)
Banishment - Sending things away, temporarily or permanently. (Banishing)




The school of divination involves knowledge, information, and mysteries- past, present or future. It is considered divine magic. Divination can be considered a false magic by those who oppose the gods. The school is most closely linked to the god Gunian. Some well known categories of spells are-

Scrying - Knowledge of the future. (Scryer)
Astramancy - Knowledge of the stars and universes. (Astramancer)
Bivröstion - Knowledge and ability to travel between realms. (Ásbrúer)
Order Magic - Knowledge and ability to use order magic. (Orderer)
Chaos Magic - Knowledge and ability to use chaos magic. (Chaotic)
Balance Magic - Knowledge and ability to use both order and chaos in a balanced way. (Balancer)




The school of evocation deals with creating or manipulating energy and elements. Evocation comes naturally to most magic-using species, but many peacekeepers consider it a weapon more so than a way of life. The school is most closely linked to the god Dobuna. Some well known categories of spells are-

Pyromancy - Fire magic. (Pyromancer)
Hydromancy - Water magic. (Hydromancer)
Cryomancy - Frost magic. (Cryomancer)
Electromancy - Shock magic. (Electromancer)
Geomancy - Earth magic. (Geomancer)
Aeromancy - Air magic. (Aeromancer)
Audiomancy - Bardic magic. (Audiomancer)

Gyromancy - Spiral magic. (Gyromancer)
Destruction - Destruction magic. (Destroyer)




The school of enchanting deals with imbuing objects or creatures with magic, or affect minds. Enchanting has many controversies, from the morality of mind control to magical enhancements on biological bodies. The school is most closely linked to the god Mekalus. Some well known categories of spells are-

Illusion - Affect minds with false images and alter perception. (Illusionist)
Possession - Possess the minds of other creatures. (Possessor)
Charming - Change how the subject views you or something else. (Charmer)
Compulsion - Change how the subject would act. (Driver)
Runic magic - Magic related to words and runes. (Scriber)




The school of vismancy deals with all things life and death. Vismancy is a mixed bag, as it has everything from holy healing to necromancy, and is considered more of a grouping class than a thing by itself. The school is most closely linked to the god Aethys. Some well known categories of spells are-

Restoration - Healing, curing, fixing. (Restorer)
Chloromancy - Magic related to plants. (Chloromancer)
Necromancy - Magic related to undeath and bringing things back to life. Necromancy is a mixed bag, as different nations and planets have different laws and customs. Where raising the dead would be commonplace in one species' culture, it could be considered unholy and forbidden in another's. As a general, though? Necromancy is far from the worst magic one can do, and most see no problems against it. (Necromancer)
Aetheration - Soul magic, spiritmagic. Manipulating soul energy. (Aetherer)




The school of alteration is used to change the fundamentals of physics and biology to a degree, and change the rules of nature. Alteration can be considered to be against the natural order of things, as you're changing how things are meant to be. The school is most closely linked to the god Dradus. Some well known categories of spells are-

Transmutation - Transforming people or objects, or changing their attributes. (Transmuter)
Light Magic - Using light, brightness and hope as magic. (Brightcaster)
Dark Magic - Using darkness, shadow and doom as magic. (Shadowcaster)
Realitybending - Bending the very nature of physics. (Realitybender)
Temporalbending - Bending the very nature of time. (Timebender)
Alchemy - Magical mixing of elements. (Alchemist)




Antimagic is the magic of the void, separate from all the other schools. It works in mysterious ways, and is the least known about. In many ways, you can say you draw power from the lack of magic. It can be argued if Antimagic is a school or another form of magic entirely, as all the other schools can be used through Antimagic. Antimagic is the polar opposite of regular magic, and is a form of "magic" that draws power from the lack of magic. It's a widely controversial school. With things like reaper magic, void magic and corrupted magic- Many are wise to avoid this school. The school is most closely linked to the god Omegus. Some well known categories of spells are-

Reap - Reaping life and death beyond the limits of Vismancy or even the gods. (Reaper)
Corruption - Corrupt natural magic wells to wither and die, or change how they act. (Corrupter)

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