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The Omnicons

The Omnicons are an ancient race, one of the first mortal races in the multiverse from the Era of the Gods. Humanoid Reptillians, they were created by the Elder God of Order, Mekalus, to be the dark counterpart to the original Alvcons. Created for perfection, created to fight, and created to serve. Their homeworld is Icarius, and have two factions: The Omnicon Republic, and the Holy Omnicon Empire.


Perfect. Warrior. Magic. That was what Elder Mekalus imagined. The Perfect species, able to serve the gods, help the gods, and one day even transcend them. For trillions of years, the Omnicons served, and they served loyally. Until came Emperor Draxal. Draxal was one of the first Omnicons created by Mekalus himself, and was regarded as one of the elders. He sowed distrust against the gods, and when the time came- Started a war greater than any before and any since. They created weapons capable of slicing through gods and mortals alike, and objects with enough power to destroy planets. Stars were born and burnt out, yet the endless war continued. Ragnarok had come. Elder Mekalus had to wipe his creation- And he did so, along with almost all gods. Now they are back, resurrected by time, and their perfect homeworld, Icarius, with them. Red, horned, and built for magic and killing.


The Omnicon Trident itself did not represent anything, it was simply the written symbol the gods used that represented the race of Omnicons itself. It could be said, that in the ancient languages, the Omnicon Trident was the written form of the word "Omnicon." The newly adopted symbol of the now-split Holy Omnicon Empire maintains the trident, but adds a circle in the middle representing the darkness of Icarius.


They have 3 to 4 eyes, and four arms. Nails sharp enough to scratch metal, they are exceptionally skilled in dark magic. The horn sizes vary based on the individual, along with their skin color.


The society is an advanced one. Omnicons are dark-magic specialists. Their average lifespan is 200 standard years, but few end up using technology or magic to further extend it, maybe indefinitely. Youth are sent off to join the army at the age of 25, although this practice is becoming less common now with the low population of the species. If you've served in the army, and don't have a broken or damaged horn, you're considered weak. On the other hand, if you're high ranking and have spotless horns, it loops back around into a sign of respect- Someone who's been in many battles but is so skilled that they received no damage.


Sometimes, Omnicons are born with tails. It is an extremely rare trait that was only found in "Mekalus's Own", the first of the race. Omnicons born with tails are culturally considered to be prodigies, great warriors.


Omnicon weapons are made out of Arkaan- Also known as Arkanium in modern days. While a weak alloy to use as hulls, it is andeadly metal to be used in weapon forging, due to it's natural speed, durability and sharpness. Arkaan is incredibly sharp, and even expert smiths have a hard time working with it safely. Most of the things made out of Arkaan are angular and polygonic, since making smooth curves out of Arkaan is difficult- Which is why most Omnicon swords are longswords. However, this also makes it impressive to see curves of Arkaan, like in the katana-shape of Faithbreaker, or some larger Omnicon ships.

Arkaan is also known for it's natural black color. Legends speak of Omnicon armies wielding jet black weapons. Arkaan does not corrode easily, and practically never if coated. If it does corrode though, it gains a blue tint.

Therefore, almost all basic soldiers have black swords. However, as an Omnicon soldier gets more honors, medals and moves higher up in the ranking, their sword is reforged by the "Spellsmiths." When Arkaan is enchanted, the metal changes to a reddish color. The hilt becomes more decorated and intricate in design.

As such, many lieutenants have dark red blades. Captains have dull red blades, signifying more intricate spells woven into the metal. Majors have crimson blades, colonels red, generals bright red. When Arkaan is bright red, it signifies it has the most powerful spells already woven into it.

But that does not stop spellsmiths. For even higher rankings of marshals, the reforged sword has the bright-gold Giranium added to it, adding to the strength of the blade a hundredfold. As such, in the highest ranks, there are bright red swords with golden lines or carvings, usually alongside an intricate black hilt design.

Of course, many do not like swords as their weapon of choice. The Omnicon race enjoys immense physical strength, and many prefer the brute strength of war axes and maces, many prefer spears or daggers, and so on. All these weapons are also made of Arkaan, and have similar spellsmithing.

The leaders of the military, however, have the best weapons spellsmiths can forge. These are Arkaan-Giranium weapons, in which even the Giranium is fully charged with in-woven spells, turning the usually bright-gold metal into a glowing bright-yellow shade, not unlike a star. There are five main leaders of the Omnicon military, and there are ten of these weapons made- Eight of these are called the "Stars in the Darkness", or just the "Stars" for short. Legends speak of battles fought on cold dead rocks in the orbit of pitch black holes, lit only by the light of a single "Starsword."

The ten Stars are:

  • Faiikaahl, aka the Faithbreaker - The finest weapon the race has ever created, gifted to their emperor, Draxal, and later went on to be used by Krakus during the crisis to kill major deities.

  • Liikal, aka the Lightclaw - A dagger forged from the mythical "Pure Light", forbidden from use by the Alvcon civilization. Pure Light magic being a type of magic that deeply corrupts, it was locked away.

  • The twin swords, Verkol and Mutkol - Forged to kill the twin angel gods, Vertum- The order god of creation, and Mutrev, the former chaotic god of realms. Neither sword succeeded in killing the twin angels, but took the lives of many others of their kind.

  • Reidraijann, aka Eldersbane - A greatsword, forged to one day potentially kill the elder gods. While the war on gods never reached that point, this weapon was feared across the cosmos. Destroyed by the Elders themselves, the blade was pulled through time and resurrected, much like the Omnicons themselves...

  • Quarax - A chakram, forged to kill the chaotic god of creation, Quanus. Requiring a lot of skill to use properly, it hasn't had any users in many eons.

  • Krajul - A double spear, created not for the purpose of killing any particular god, but to be the symbol of the military. Wielded by the high commander of the Omnicon army in the second era.

  • Khazzika, aka the Kingslice (Also translated as the Queenslice) - An epee forged with speed in mind, the blade was the symbol of magic prowess in the Omnicon civilization. Entrusted to the archmage of the Omnicons.

  • Zaenokr, aka 'Zae-Blessed', and Zaæakaa, aka Realmshatter - Forged as a pair, the battleaxe and the warhammer were given to the greatest champions of the Omnicon army. They each have a crystal of Pure Stakhas and Pure Atakhas embedded in them, the rarest crystals in the cosmos.

Stars in the Darkness.png

Omnicons have a tamed race, often considered "pets", but moreso battlefield partners. The race is known as "Icazers", but was dubbed the "Icarian Cat" by humans in the modern day, due to their vague similarity to felines.

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