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The Aezoa

The Aezoa are fish-like humanoids native to the planet Aethys. Humanoid Ichthyes, they require moisture and water to survive for long periods of time, as they can survive without water for only a few days.


They resemble many fish, with a lot of variation in the species. From some looking like goldfish, to jellyfish, to sharks and anklers. Not unlike the Carsai and the Colp'zhal, they are considered a species of many subspecies.



The Mazel are a recent space-faring species. Humanoid Mammalians, their homeworld is the planet Makai, currently under Hydra control.


The Mazel have dark horns and ears, and a long thin tail. Their limbs are darker than the rest of their skin. They are adept at magic, but are generally a peaceful species. Their name bears striking resemblance to a fallen angel, Mazael.


Their physique makes them generally top-heavy. They have large, curved horns and large, deer-like ears. Their legs resemble hooves, and their arms seemingly end in sharp claws. They have a long, thin tail that ends in a spade which is highly maneuverable.


Color-wise, the Mazel have skintones ranging from muted blues to dark, muted purples and have white hair. Their irises can be any color, and their sclera are black. In rare cases, they may have pinkish or green skintones or black hair.

The Mazel


The Dakaj are a recent space-faring species. Humanoid Mammalians, their homeworld is the planet Haunj, in the Crimson Empire.


Phychic telepaths, they very rarely speak physically. No sense of smell, however they can still sense dangerous gases through skin senses. Can read other species' emotions, with the exception of machines.


The Dakaj are extremely powerful psychics, specializing in emotions rather than mind-reading or the like. They can sense the emotions of those around them, the more powerful of them even influence them.

The Dakaj

The Legani are a recent space-faring species. Humanoid Amphibians, their homeworld is the planet Zestahn, in the Crimson Empire.


Evolved underground on a planet where the surface was inhospitable, they have perhaps the most extreme sense of sight among almost all species. With focusing, they can even see UV rays. Still, they cannot stand direct sunlight for too long without eye protection. They have yellow blood.


Their eyes do have their own natural protection just for this cause. As such, their eyes seem like a flat yellow color all the time.


Their skin however has varying shades of blue and purple, even greenish.

The Legani


The Zejak


The Zejak are a recent space-faring species. Humanoid Cephaloids, their homeworld is the planet Jshinf'n, in the Crimson Empire.


Amphibious in nature, they prefer being near water even on the surface, although they do not suffer any ill effects of staying away from water. Tentacled and poisonous to touch for other species, they have a thin layer of gelatinous skin over their actual skin so as to protect others from themselves, although this skin does make them look slimy. Despite appearances, they have some of the largest brains among spacefaring species, and a higher intellect to match.


They have natural levitation, as their lower bodies are tentacled. They cannot fly much higher than 2-3 meters, though.

The Xathi are a recent space-faring species. Exoskeletal Xufninoids, their homeworld is the planet Xauni, in the Crimson Empire.


Genderless and work in groups, the Xathi are the most talented workers in the Void as to their telekinesis trumping most other physical labor. They are extremely cooperative and friendly, but work for a high price. They comprise of most of the physical labor workforce in the Crimson Empire.

The Xathi


The Heka


The Heka are a recent space-faring species. Humanoid Avians, their homeworld is the planet Hakan, in the NLSR.


These flightless avians have developed a metallic bio-armor that grows with them, providing a natural defense as well as an ability to withstand great pressures. As such, while they cannot breathe underwater, the Heka have created vast underwater cities on their homeworld.


The Quosi

The Quosi are an old space-faring species. Humanoid Insectoids, they originate from the planet Gigarion, in the NLSR.


They are the patron species of the god Quanus, and have historically served as his creative assistants in mythos. They possess chitin armor, but lack the ability to fly unlike most other insectoids. They possess fuzzy hair as a warmth mechanism, not unlike mammals.


The Sycae are a recent space-faring species. Humanoid Reptillains, they originate from the planet Cyina, in the Federation.


They have evolved similarly to cephanoids, possessing tentacle-like appendages and the ability to survive underwater. However, they are reptiles, and are often called 'Dragon Squids'.

The Sycae


The Remali

The Remali are a recent space-faring species. Humanoid Insectoids, they originate from the planet Lynzal, in the NLSR.


A very rare mosquito-like species, they have a critically small population due to extermination and their harsh, snowy swamp-like homeworld. The species is naturally 7-8 feet tall, possessing venomous claws and tongues.


The Kerana are a recent space-faring species. Humanoid Reptillians, they originate from the planet Lineie, in the Federation.


A common species across the multiverse, these lizard-like humanoids are everywhere. Possessing a variety of skin colors, they are often considered one of the most basic species.

The Kerana


The Craneans

The Craneans are a recent space-faring species. Humanoid Crustaceans, they originate from the planet Wastu, in the Federation.


The ocean planet experienced disaster and its many volcanoes erupted, covering the planet in toxic smog, and much of the species were lost. However, a few still remain, out in the multiverse.


The Slucites

The Slucites are a recent space-faring species. Humanoid Mammalians.


Small, 2-4ft tall organisms that, while simple, are intelligent and highly capable of learning various high-grade skills very quickly. They come in various colors, ranging from pale white and yellows, to reds, to deep blacks or blues. They almost always have some unique skill or appearance about them, whether its markings or just colors.


The Ascendants were once an ancient space-faring species. Humanoid Avians,  they originated from the planet Raen, now in Federation space.


A now almost entirely extinct species, only a few remain, and few of those are actually alive. Many of them are stuck as 'ghosts', halfway between the mortal world an oblivion. The whole species tried to 'ascend', to erase themselves from existence, but many failed due to the method they used and many left their home and hid. Their homeworld of Raen is now highly polluted with sulfur, and grand structures of unknown use still look over the landscape, causing heavy rainstorms that destroys their world more and more.

The Ascendants

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