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These are some of the other mystical races in the multiverse. Usually related to gods and other fantastical matters, these are found across multiple different realms, not just the multiverse. Many of these are found in City Azydos, which is the city of the Underworld realm.


​Demons are a mystical race of varying shapes and sizes, with advanced magic affinity. A lesser race to the Angelicon, where the Angels were meant to be the servants of gods, the Demons were meant to be the workforce. Nowadays, they simply make up a majority of god-related creatures. While their physicalities and powerset differ from demon to demon, from a snake-like demon to a reptillian dragon-like, they do have set color differences not unlike their higher Angels. Red Demons have skin colors with varying shades of red, originally meant to be the dark magic demons. Whereas, Blue Demons have skin colors with varying shades of blue, orginally meant to be the light magic demons. Nowadays, any demon can specialize in any type of magic, with varying shades of red, blue and purple. Nowadays, Demons make up 40% of Azydos' population.


Devils however are a major mystical race. One of the greatest magical affinities of any race, their origin was not through godly intervention. In fact, Devils weren't even supposed to exist. All the devils can be linked back to the first devil, an entity named "Satan." Once a red angel serving Elder Mekalus, he rebelled against the Elder, changing his appearance into one reminiscent of rams and demons, and created the race of Devils with his advanced creation magic. Many angels followed Lucifer and transformed into major devils themselves. Nowadays, long after the ages of the first Devils, the race has been allowed to exist by the gods to avoid another war like the Omnicon Crisis. Nowadays, Devils are incredibly rare to find. The race features horns of varying sizes, sometimes even ram horns. Thin, pointed tails and wings of varying types, the Devils look like proper counterparts to the higher Angels.


The rest of Azydos is wayward souls. These souls have gained freedom and pardon from their designated afterlives, deemed important or good enough to have earned freedom. Or, they just haven't been sorted into their afterlife yet. Some of these souls have even gained the right to be resurrected, but have no bodies to be resurrected into. Requesting one from the gods works sometimes, but even then the bureaucratic process can take upto a thousand years. These souls are already dead, but can die once again, this time permanently. Any damage to your soul sticks for eternity, of course. Souls come in various colors. White souls are of those who were not magic users, blue souls are of those who practiced magic, red souls are of those who have divine magic upon them (Blessings, curses, etc), and finally, black souls are corrupted. Souls, of course, are not technically a race or a species, as they can be of any species.

The Keepers

The Keepers hail from the Knowledge Realm "The Archive". Giranium Ophanim, they are a creation of the god of knowledge, Lord Gunian. Telekinetic floating rings, they have a nucleus in the middle that acts as their brain and power source. This nucleus is not able to be destroyed by conventional means, you cannot even touch it- Physical things would just go through it. They develop more rings as they grow older. Each ring's size is slightly flexible, kind of "bendy" metals. Each ring rotates and spins, making the being look like a gyroscope. Their rings are made of the metal Giranium, which they generate biologically as they grow old. The oldest of the Keepers have been known to have fifteen rings... Maybe more.

Each ring has eyes on it, eyes that alternate closed and open on every other ring. They only blink every few minutes, when the open and closed eyes switch. They have complete control over their rings and their axis. For example, they can turn themselves into a wheel if they so choose.

Because they float at a fixed speed, they are not very fast by nature. Whenever they use their innate magic, the entire orb glows with a green flame. Keepers have been known to lock troublemakers inside their rings and nucleus.

They have only one purpose in their rather long lives- To study, and to archive. You will find a keeper everywhere you go, from unexplored jungles on alien planets, to a research lab on a space station. Most species have learned to cooperate with the Keepers, because their knowledge is unlimited. For they are connected to all the knowledge in the Archive, and their goal in life is to constantly add knowledge to said realm. They teleport between realms at will. They do not attack, only study peacefully. Despite that, they can shoot magic beams out of their nucleus if threatened.

Despite their almost unlimited supply of knowledge, they are not extremely intelligent, only above average intelligence at most. They are not a very creative mind, only focused on learning and recording rather than making and thinking. And even though they have access to all knowledge, it does not mean that they know all knowledge. They only look up things in the Archive when they need to- Which can take a long time other species may not have patience for.

While most cooperate, some do not. Many do not want their secrets added to the Knowledge Realm, and will kill Keepers on sight. While their nucleus is impervious to physical attacks, and the metal rings block most magic- They have an extreme weakness to any kind of psychic attacks or soul magic. If you can destroy their nucleus through those means, they would just fall apart.


The Vezacon are a god-created race from the ancient era. Humanoid Cephanoids.


A race created by Vertum, the Vezacon bear resemblance to their Cephacon cousins. While the Cephacon represented Chaos Magic, the Vezacon represent innate Order Magic. The species bears colorful skin tones, and tentacles sprouting from their heads, not unlike the Cephacon. Unlike the Cephacon, however, the Vezacon are built for survival- The species can survive in almost all extremes. In the vacuum of space, -273 degrees up to the surface of a star in temperature (10000 C), even being atomized. The species can regenerate from a single cell, but this regenerative ability can be hampered by magic. The species bears no resistance to magic, and it is their one weakness. The Vezacon all but died out in the Omnicon Crisis, some of their descendants devolving into the mortal Legani.


The Faiiali are a god-created race from the ancient era. Humanoid Faillians.


A race created by Vertum, the species, also referred to as the Faiialicon, were designed in the image of Elder Mekalus, much as the the Cephacon resemble Elder Dobuna. Eight limbs, six of them arms. They have a tall, skinny stature, with different shaped horns on their heads- four to six of them. With pitch black six eyes, the species looks like reptillian insects. Unlike the other ancient races, they did not specialize in any particular type of magic- However, they were one of the few mortal races who knew the secret to creation magic, known throughout the ancient cosmos as the architects of civilization. The Faiiali all but died out in the Omnicon Crisis. Unlike the other ancient races however, there was no major group to survive the crisis to leave descendants. But, is there some relation to the modern day Vepsene?



The Cephacons

The Cephacons, also known as the Cephanoids, are ancient species from the era of the gods. Humanoid Cephaloids, much like the angels, are considered above mortal bodies. One of the mortal descendants of the species include the Zyn, however.


A race created in Elder Dobuna's image perfectly, they were few in numbers with extreme lifespans, possibly immortal. Said to be like mini-gods themselves, they were exceptionally strong in every way, and could take down hundreds before dying. Used and deployed in mass numbers by the Gods during the Omnicon Crisis, most have died, but some remain to this day.


Elder Dobuna's daughter Alphus is one of the few remaining ones, as well as Calva the Soul Breaker of the Golden Souls.


Elder Dobuna

The Keepers
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